Thursday, August 8, 2019

Having First Child Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Having First Child - Personal Statement Example I experienced these feelings and examined them very closely when my first child, Devin, was sent away from me. It is not possible to put those feelings in words. Although, he was sent to the Hostel for his bright future, yet I missed him. I knew that it was necessary for him to get better opportunities in the future, but sometimes people become so self-centered and selfish, that they don't realize the intensity of the problem. This happens not merely for the individual's own interest but just because of the fear he has to lose something. If I express my feelings before anyone, the first possible question they ask is that if I am that worried about him then what made me choose this option The answer definitely is my desire to see him as a reputable and successful person. His future was more important for me than anything in this world, even more than my emotions and feelings. The aim behind transferring him to a hostel was to provide him with appropriate schooling. It was an emotionally tough experience. I was anxious about the environment of the hostel, the gathering he may have, and the quality of education. It was tough to be separated from my beloved son for such extensive periods. After being separated I came to know about his value in my life. I admired him but did not know that I could miss someone that much. It was all new for me. In the beginning I used to get hyper without any reason.

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